Thursday, December 4, 2014

the incredible fruit peeler

Friday, November 21, 2014

Singapore Movie Price Tickets 2014

Courtesy of

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Top WatchMaker Brand

Rank #1 Patek Philippe : PP
Rank #2 Blancpain
Rank #3 Vacheron Constantin : VC
Rank #4 Breguet
Rank #5 Audemars Piguet : AP
Rank #6 A.Lange&Sohne :ALS
Rank #7 Ulysse Nardin
Rank #8 Piaget
Rank #9 Bovet
Rank #10 Arnold & Son

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Learning Path

Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

Corporate Finance (Spring 2014)

by New York University

Process Mining: Data science in Action

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Singapore Locality

CCR: Core Centre Region
RCR: Res of CR
OCR-Outside of CR

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sg MRT Route

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

PSLE T-Score Calculation Formula

T = 200 + 10* ((English-70)/10.43+(Maths-64)/12.93+(Science-66)/12.33+(Chinese-73)/9.43)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Final year car servicing

Next year Dec would be the end of the COE, this is probably the last time I am servicing this car.
Using Lexuis brand of motor oil for it is not expensive as compare to some other more premium brand.
Change the battery too for the last one has been in service for the last 2 years 9 months, in fact still does its job well, but there sign of bloating observed, so better change than sorry.
Amaron 55B24L HI-LIFE, well recommended brand.
Also change the spark plug to standard Toyota Denso.

Moringa Tree: The Tree of Life

Been looking for one nearby and finally found one by recognizing the fruit. 
Some of the benefits of this tree are as illustrated far below. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Steak Doneness

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tableau for DDJ Week 4- Dashboard Designing

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Chinese Zodiac Year

1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911
1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923
1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935
1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947
1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031
2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043
2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055
2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067
2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079
2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091
2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103

Watches Strap/Wand Maker

Name Location Prices
Bas & Lokes Australia $40-95
Maddog Straps Austria $99+
TWB - The watch Boys Canada $30-100
DON Straps Canada $30-225
Kastantona Straps Cyprus $25-65
Falcon Straps Czech Republic $80-110
Waccex BOB Straps Germany $40-100
Banda Hong Kong $40-200
Taikonaut Hong Kong $50-230
Zergun Straps Hong Kong $69-109
Saxon Verreno Hong Kong $70-130
Kain Heritage Hong Kong $76-$99
Strap Culture Hong Kong $80-120
Heroic18 Hong Kong $85-184
Strap Works Hong Kong $90-150
OrijinWorks Indonesia $50+
Tunx Straps Indonesia $50+
Salvadore-09 Leathercraft Indonesia $59-159
V28 Customs Indonesia $60-90
Malio Straps Indonesia $70+
Gunny Straps Indonesia $90-135
Handmade99 Malaysia $50-200
DaLuca Straps San Diego, USA $60-300
8Artisans Singapore $30-45
Horotomo Straps Singapore $36-$66
Lederarts Switzerland $80-200
Kaktus Straps Switzerland $90-$255
Cheergiant Leather Taiwan $70+
Pantast Thailand $45-60
Stonee Straps Thailand $80-200
Kazimon Turkey $29
Organic Straps Turkey $25-300
Steve-O-Straps UK $38.50

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Type of Bike Tire Valve

Open the valvel tip and screw in the adapter. 
The the rest is a per normal...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


1. 列出你人生中非做不可的「待辦事項」,開始一項項完成。

2. 嘗試一個人出國旅行,跟自己對話,照顧自己,傾聽心裡的聲音。

3. 至少進一次大公司,不一定是規模大的企業,而是在各行各業中,口碑和風評領先的公司。因為大公司的福利以及制度較完善,並可趁機累積相關工作資歷,以及人脈關係。也許中年之後,你會想要創業,資金、經驗和資源外,人脈是不可或缺的幫手。

4. 好好品嘗一次跌到谷底的感受。把自己逼到牆角時,往往是把人生看得最清楚的時候;唯有越過層層荊棘,才可能超越自我。

5. 找個時間做件善事,例如加入義工行列,在協助、服務其他人的同時,你會對目前所擁有的一切更加滿足。

6. 對自己好好進行一次全盤財務診斷。問自己:真正讓你幸福的生活方式是什麼?有人喜歡住鄉下,有人卻想要住豪宅,想在短時間創造高財富,就必須承擔更高的風險。

7. 再問自己理想的生活方式,需要準備多少錢才夠?扣除現有資產存量,還需要準備多少?設定好目標後,才開始討論合適的投資工具。

8. 切勿「負債投資」;若有負債,應先擬定償還計劃,先理債、再理財。

9. 一切都得從「存錢」做起,否則都是空談。

10. 想要存錢,先從「記帳」開始。這是基本功,只要堵住不經意花掉的金錢,一定可以慢慢累積出投資的本金。

11. 辛苦存錢的同時,一定要慎防財務漏洞,比如人云亦云地亂買股票、辦房貸,甚至亂刷卡或用現金卡借錢。

12. 既然理財是門學問,平時就應該做功課,無論從總體經濟,到世界趨勢,都應該有所涉獵。不要一昧相信「理財專家」或「股票名師」會替你帶來一夕致富的好運。

13. 最後,想要獲得財富自由,成為理想中的有錢人,就要有「成功致富」的信心。幾乎所有成功的投資人,都有一套自己的投資觀念,自律且具耐心,最重要的是,他們目標明確。

14. 要自由地揮灑未來,第一件要做的事是──建立生活的秩序。有秩序的人,通常能夠成就你意想不到的事。讓其他事情可以順利完成,便有更多時間享受「自由」。

15. 改變,從專心工作開始。面對你正在做的事,集中注意力,才能加快完成速度。

16. 養成固定時間睡覺和起床。不要再用種種理由佔用睡覺的寶貴時間,不要讓事情一拖再拖,這樣你將有更多時間補足精力。

17. 正確的飲食、運動習慣能讓身體保持清醒,沒有負擔。應該讓身體在35歲以前,都保持在最佳狀態。

18. 只有不斷學習才能保證競爭力。管理大師彼得‧杜拉克(PeterF.Drucker)說,你的知識和經驗,都是你的新財富。懂得學習,一半靠好奇心,一半靠自律。

19. 在日常生活中,實踐「懶」人的智慧,用最少時間,達到最佳目的,且運用更舒適輕鬆的方法。例如:妥善保存隨手買的小配件,收納在同一個地方,要使用的時候就不會找不到。

20. 學會說不。「拒絕」是一門藝術,做個心胸開闊、進退有禮的人,同時也要有自己的原則,才能過得自在、開心。

21. 盡可能讓生活豐富。嘗試著用一個圓圈,平分成6個部份,在每個部份寫上家庭、工作、經濟狀況、精神追求、健康、智慧,提醒自己人生不是只有工作的上班時間,與下班後的日常生活;盡可能讓自己的每個面向不斷拓展、延伸。

Beixo Chainless Bike

Monday, June 2, 2014

Rough Guide to PSLE T-Score

Estimation from exam grading to PSLE t-score

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Tern Verge P9

My new ride.
Tern Verge P9

Friday, May 30, 2014

Dahon Mu P27 vs P8 vs P9 Spec

  Mu P27 Mu P8 Mu P9
Wheel Size
20" "  
Folded Size
32 × 78 × 66 cm 34 x 80 x 66 cm 34 x 79 × 65 cm
12.7 kg 11.7 kg "
Speeds 27 8 9
Frame Sizes 1 " "
gear inches   32in- 93in  
Seatpost to Handlebar Min: 630 mm (24.6") Max: 645 mm (25.2") min: 615 mm (24in) max: 650 mm (25.4in)  
Saddle to Pedal Min: 710 mm (27.7") Max: 960 mm (37.5") min: 695 mm (27.1in) max: 960 mm (37in) Min:690mm Max:960mm
Rider Height 142 - 193 cm " "
Max. Rider Weight 105 kg (230 lbs) " "
pa series - dalloy aluminum, custom drawn sonus tubing, lattice forged hinge, patented fusion and v-clamp technology " 20" PA Series, Dalloy Sonus Aluminum, V-Clamp technologies
Fork dahon slipstream, dalloy aluminum, patented fusion technology, double-butted tubing " Dahon SlipStream, Dalloy aluminum
Handlepost forged alloy, radius telescope adjustable, patented fusion and v-clamp technology " Radius, adjustable, Inside folding, H:340-440mm, 8deg. 
Handlebar comp, 6061-t6 alloy, double butted " Dahon Comp, flat, double butted 6061, 540mm,φ25.4mm / Silver
Headset fusion+, zero stack, cartridge bearing "  
Grips two color, ergonomic " Velo, Micro suede comfort / Cream
Saddle comfort, w/ dahon logo, smooth " Dahon Micro suede classic / Cream
Seatpost 34 mm x 580 mm alloy, forged alloy clamp, micro adjust " Dahon SP-22, SuperOversize, MicroAdjust, aluminum, 33.9×580mm / Silver
Seat Clamp dahon turtleneck clamp "  
Brakes alloy, v-brake, 110 mm, w/ dahon logo " Dahon SpeedStop V brakes / Gray
Brake Levers 3 finger, alloy bracket / alloy lever " Avid FR5 / Silver
Brake Cables livewire 5.0, anti-compression housing, slick cables, dupont l3 lubricant, alloy ferrules "  
Front Hub neutron, cartridge bearings, ultralight 58 gram design, 20h " Dahon Neutron, 20H / Silver
Rear Hub sram dualdrive ii, 3 x 9 speed, 28h comp 8 speed cassette, alloy, q/r, labyrinth seal, ground races, 28h Dahon Comp, 28H / Silver
Spokes 18/8 ga stainless steel "  
Rims 20in x 1.5in dahon by vueltaft, alloy, doublewall cnc sidewall " Dahon Comp / Silver
Tires 20in x 1.75,in 60 psi, w/ dahon logo, reflective stripe " Kenda, Kwest 20"×1.50, F/ V / Black
Shifter(s) sram 3 x 9 speed dualdrive ii (finger tap shifters) NEOs 8 speed, indexed, w/ Dahon logo Shimano Altus
Rear Derailleur sram x7, 9 speed NEOs 8 speed, Dahon special edition Shimano Altus, 9spd
Crankset forged alloy 6061 arms, double alloy chainguard, 52t " Dahon Supra, 53T, alloy CNC Chainguard / Silver
Freewheel sram 9 speed, ucp, 11-34t 8 speed cassette, ucp, 11-32t Sunrace CSM90.9AV 11-34T
Bottom Bracket cartridge, sealed bearing, zinc plated spindle, square taper cartridge, sealed bearing, zinc plated spindle, square taper chain rustbuster - indexed for 8 speed  
Chain indexed for 9 speed    
Pedals folding, alloy body - alloy cage " Suntour folding, alloy body
Shift Cables livewire 5.0, anti-compression housing, slick cables, dupont l3 lubricant, alloy ferrules " livewire 5.0, anti-compression housing, slick cables, Dupont l3 lubricant, alloy ferrules
Kickstand alloy, single, center mount " Aluminum / Silver
Carton 5 ply "  
Luggage Socket frame integrated " Luggage Socket
Clip System patented system " magnetix system

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tern Verge P9 vs Dahon Vigor P9 Specification

Spec Tern Verge P9 Dahon Vigor P9 (ECA093)

Color: Black/Red or White/Black Black/Silver/Red
Wheel Size: 20 inch wheels 20"
Speeds: 9 9
Weight: 11.0 kg (24.2 lb) 11.7 kg (25.7 lb)
Folding Time: 10 sec 15 sec
Folding Size: 15 x 31.1 x 28.3inches 34 x 81 x 66 cm (13.39" x 31.89" x 25.98")
Frame Sizes: One size One size
Gear Inches: 33 - 95
Seatpost to Handlebar: 58 cm - 64 cm 61 cm
Saddle to Pedal: Min: 690 mm (27.2 inches) Max: 950 mm (37.4 inches) Min: 720 mm (28.5") Max: 980 mm (38.5")
Suggested Rider Height: 142 - 190 cm (4'8 inches - 6'3 inches) 142-195 cm (4'8"-6'5")
Max Rider Weight: 110 kg (243 lb) 105 kg (230 lbs)
Bell: Dulcet, brass
Frame: Hydroformed 7005-Al, patented OCL Joint and DoubleTruss technology, Igus bearings Hydroformed Dalloy Aluminum w/ Forged Lattice Hinge and V-Clamp Technology
Fork: Aluminum 6061 Lightweight and Responsive Dalloy Aluminum, w/ Integrated Crown
Handlepost: Physis 3D, Igus bearings, 4 patented technologies Forged Alloy Radius Telescope w/ Fusion Technology, AdjuStable
Headset: Flux w/ Physis integration, cartridge bearings, dual-seal technology Fusion, Zero Stack, Cartridge Bearing
Handlebar: Kinetix Comp, double-butted 6061-AL 6061 Double Butted Aluminum Flat Bar, 580 mm Wide w/ 9 Degree Ergo Sweep
Grip/Bars Tape: BioLogic Arx, lock on w/ T-Tool DAHON Ergo Comfort
Saddle: BioLogic Impel, chromoly rails DAHON Ergo Comfort
Seatpost: SuperOversize, 6061-AL, forged clamp DAHON Custom 6061 Aluminum,33.9 mm x 580 mm
Seatpost Clamp: Syntace OverLock
Front Brake: Kinetix SpeedStop V-brakes, Ashima Direct noodle, stainless hardware Winzip Smooth and Powerful 110 mm, V-Brakes
Rear Brake: Kinetix SpeedStop V-brakes, Ashima Direct noodle, stainless hardware
Brake Levers: Avid FR5 DAHON 3 Finger Aluminum
Brake Cable & Housing: LiveWire 7.0, anti-compression housing, slick cables, DuPont L3 lubricant, alloy ferrules
Front Hub: Kinetix Neutron, cartridge bearings, QR DAHON Custom 74 mm Compact Alloy, 20 hole
Rear Hub: Kinetix Comp, ground races, 9 spd. cassette, QR KT-G5ER BK 130 mm x 140 mm*28H 8/9 w/ DAHON Logo
Spokes and Nipples: Stainless steel, brass nipples 14 g Stainless Steel
Rims: Kinetix Comp, doublewall, CNC sidewalls, powder finish 20" Lightweight Aluminum Double Wall
Tires: Schwalbe Kojak, 35-406, 95 psi, RaceGuard puncture protection Schwalbe Marathon Supreme 20" x 1.75"
Shifter(s): Shimano Alivio DAHON Neos Twist Shifter
Front Derailleur: -
Rear Derailleur: Shimano Sora
Crankset: FSA Vero custom for Tern, 55T, SharkTooth anti-drop chainring Forged Alloy Single 53 Tooth Ring w/ Single Alu Guard, 170 mm
Cassette/Freewheel: Sunrace 9 spd., 11-32T Sunrace 9 spd., 11-32T
Bottom Bracket: Cartridge, sealed bearings Cartridge, sealed bearings
Chain: KMC 9 Spd., narrow KMC Z99
Pedals: LiteForm QR, alloy body, anti-slip Kraton inserts, QR right/standard left DAHON Foldable, Alloy Body
Shifter Cable & Housing: LiveWire 8.0, sealed alloy ferrules, DuPont L3 lubricant
Kickstand: Premium single, aluminum Lightweight Alloy
Clip System: Magnetix 2.0
Luggage Socket: Yes
Rear Light: BioLogic TailLight


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